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Aug. 9 2016
Don't be afraid to answer the call to promote dairy. The dairy industry deserves to be commended for the amazing job it does giving the next generation so many opportunities to grow and learn. From 4-H...
July 28 2016
It takes careful attention to all details, large and small, to reach the highest levels of milk production. When our milking herd finally broke the 100 pounds of milk per day average, a lot of changes...
July 22 2016
NDQA seeks to recognize quality milk producers. As producers we can get caught in the rut of the day-to-day grind. We are doing things well, but sometimes it seems no one notices. It is days like that...
June 21 2016
As the competition began, door guards checked back tags, known in the dance world as competitor numbers, and made final calls for late entries. Tardiness was rarely accepted as 8,057 entries crossed...
June 20 2016
"Let me put your back tag on," said the reassuring but firm voice from what I would quantify as a "man's man."
April 8 2016
Who do consumers trust? Some days we think people are so naïve to believe everything they read. Other times, they are so skeptical of even the most logical and safe practices. I laughed when I read...
March 14 2016
There is no one-size-fits-all in feed centers, but all farms can benefit from reduced feed costs realized by measuring and managing inefficiencies. It's no secret that feed costs make up a significant...
Jan. 20 2016
There are real benefits for herds that can achieve a 25 percent pregnancy rate. One common goal all dairy producers share is getting cows bred in a timely fashion. What is a realistic target for which...
Dec. 16 2015
Gadgets and devices aid – not replace dairy management. All that cool technology that people use to communicate, record exercise levels and monitor their sleep patterns, now are being applied to...
Dec. 10 2015
121.5 million dairy farms exist on our planet. By Patti Hurtgen, Hoard's Dairyman Online Media Manager Yep! Those numbers are current. They are based on worldwide data. Initially, your reaction might be...
Nov. 23 2015
Subclinical hypocalcemia management is important, but it remains hard to monitor the successfulness of treatments.Drink your milk so you can have strong bones and healthy teeth was probably the first nutrition...
Nov. 17 2015
When we throw away food, we are tossing more than just nutrients into the trash. No doubt, water is a valuable resource. We use it every single day in a multitude of ways. When water supplies get tight,...
Aug. 26 2015
Are we teaching youth a variety of dairy skills? As a 4-H member I remember attending monthly local 4-H dairy meetings. Held at a leader's farm, all members, from first year to the very experienced, were...
March 30 2015
Having those hard talks are worth the effort when it comes to farm transition planning
March 26 2015
A breeding ground for bacteria, bedding is a significant source of mastitis pathogens in a confinement system. The climatic conditions encountered in many regions of the country necessitate cattle housing....
March 24 2015
The list of precision dairy farming technologies continues to grow and tell us more about our cows
March 13 2015
Turnout at last week's 12th Western Dairy Management Conference almost set a record. There are three U.S. dairy industry events that are so well known around the world that milk producers often refer to...
March 10 2015
Last year, the United States saw another drop in farm acres and number of farms, but productivity filled the gap. Our nation's farmers are faced with the continuous challenge of doing more with less. The...
Feb. 27 2015
Only 1,631 farms left, but it was still the 22nd yearly decline in a row. "Get out while the getting is good" saw 1,631 U.S. dairies leave the industry in 2014. According to data released earlier this...
Feb. 24 2015
Raising dairy steers can be a profitable venture, but consider how it will impact the rest of your operation before jumping in headfirst. Beef prices are exceptionally high. Beef cattle numbers are near...